Middlesex Valley Vol. Ambulance Service
Service the greater Middlesex Valley Since 1969
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide pre-hospital emergency medical care and emergency transportation to local hospitals for persons who are seriously injured or become seriously ill anywhere within our service area. To provide standby medical services at fires during local fire department responses. To provide standby medical services to community / civic events as requested by their organizers. To provide mutual aid to neighboring ambulance organizations.
About Us
We are an 501(c)3 non-profit corporation that receives operating revenue from three sources. We have contracts with the Town of Middlesex, Town of Gorham, Town of Potter and Town of Italy; these towns all have an established special ambulance tax districts for the areas of the towns' that we cover. We receive revenue from the billing of medical and vehicle insurances for services rendered; we maintain a charitable care policy and provide service regardless of ability to pay. We also accept generous financial support from donors during our annual fund drive in the late summer of each year.
We provide mutual aid to several neighboring agencies per standing county mutual aid agreements.
We are managed by a Chief Operating Officer and Chief Executive Officer who together oversee business matters, field operations, equipment and supervise and schedule career and volunteer staff. There is also a Chief Financial Officer that manages financial matters including payroll, accounts receivable, accounts payable, budgeting, financial planning and investments. These managers report to a Board of Directors. The Board of Directors are volunteer community members that provide direction, leadership and long term goals and steering for the organization.
Wanted: Fingerlakes Region cleared Per-Diem ALS providers (Paramedic).
Pay Rates:
Paramedic - $28.75 to $33.02 to Start Based on Experience
Earn Paid Time Off
Pay Increases with Years of Service
Double Time on Holidays
Low Volume Agency Staffing at a Station, No ambulance posting.
We're Hiring Career Staff - Click Below for an Application.
Print / Complete and return by Post Mail or to hr@middlesexems.org

If you are interesting in donating monetarily in support of our operations and mission:
Use the Button below to donate with a credit card (keep in mind that the credit card processor keeps about 2.2% + $0.30 of your donation.) If you wish, you can also make automatic donations on a monthly basis using a credit card, just check the box that says "Make This Recurring" when entering your donation information.
You can also send a check to the address at the bottom of this page.
We sometimes get calls inquiring if a fundraiser mailing or phone call solicitation is legitimate. We never solicit funds by telephone or in person. Middlesex Ambulance does solicit monetary donations in three ways.
1 - On this website via the link above.
2 - By mail, during our annual fund drive letter in late summer of each year.
3 - Via contributions given in memory of deceased family and friends.
Middlesex Valley Volunteer Ambulance Service, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation. Cash donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your generous financial contribution.
2025 Officers
Board of Directors
April 1968
June 1968
March - June 1971
A 34' x 60' building for two ambulances, a meeting room, a supply room and a restroom was constructed by Green and Paddock. The cost was $6,600 and did not include plumbing or electric.
January 1973
February 1976
December 1985
August 1995
August 2021
Join Us
Won't you join us?For an Application and More Information Call:Jason Johnson, Chief Operating Officer - (585) 554-6657